The four keys to trustworthy AI
Artificial intelligence is a major factor in people’s lives. It influences who gets a loan, how companies hire and compensate employees, how customers are treated, even where infrastructure and aid are allocated.
Top global asset-intensive industry leaders leverage Maximo
Did you know Maximo is used by 9 out of 10 of the largest utilities companies? Read more fun facts. Enterprise asset management (EAM) addresses the entire lifecycle management.
How smart manufacturing can optimize your factories for the new era
The focus of every industrial revolution has been increasing the productivity of production systems. The fourth industrial revolution is here, and it’s seeking to improve both production, management
IoT & Maximo Asset Management
When 1.5 billion people across the planet were asked to stay at home in early 2020, many asset managers remained on the job to keep the wheels of industry turning. Some are struggling with the challenge while others are rising to the occasion
Why the best-run Companies Use IBM Maximo and ERP
Asset-intensive organizations use a multitude of physical equipment, machines, linear assets, vehicles, tools, and more. Maximo Asset Management has been the market-leading EAM solution for the past 15 years.