Boost operational resilience and improve ROI with condition-based asset maintenance that can grow with your business

When 1.5 billion people across the planet were asked to stay at home in early 2020, many enterprise asset managers remained on the job to keep the wheels of industry turning. Some are struggling with the challenge while others are rising to the occasion, and the difference between the two could be a matter of technology.

Many asset maintenance and operations leaders are now — more than ever — realizing that the key to achieving operational resilience and reliability during disruptive times is condition-based monitoring. They want to know how to reduce manual inspections and build predictive models that can help them mitigate risks. Essentially, they want to know how they can bolster their businesses so they can continue to move forward, today and tomorrow.

Condition-based maintenance and remote monitoring have been elusive for many asset operators and leaders because they’re missing the solution that can do this at scale. Yes, there are pilots and proof points. But we’re talking about condition-based asset monitoring across the enterprise. The situation is further complicated by immediate cash-flow challenges and the need to leverage existing investments. Let’s face it; we can’t be fully prepared for the future with the technologies of yesterday.

Welcome to a new era of asset management and operations

By implementing new asset management methods, asset managers can respond quickly to changing conditions. You can ensure your organization is equipped to maintain business continuity and financial responsibility under rapidly changing circumstances. The answer lies in new technologies that enable you to take the preventive, predictive and prescriptive actions needed to drive efficiency and reduce operating costs. The benefits are substantial: condition-based and predictive maintenance alone can reduce costs by 15% – 20% and improve asset availability by 20%2.

Turn information into intelligence, and convert that intelligence into actionable insights

To do this, you need an AI-enabled enterprise asset management (EAM) system coupled with an asset monitoring solution that gathers information from intelligent, connected assets, and currently untapped data sources. Powered with that information, the EAM system can provide actionable insights for your maintenance, operations, and reliability teams. Because the solution is powered by AI, it can adjust for enterprise-scale execution.

Improve your ROI leveraging existing infrastructure using artificial intelligence

Imagine having a remote asset monitor that detects an anomaly and then dispatches a technician who can repair the equipment before it ever fails. Adopting innovative processes such as this to ensure operational resilience requires a complete view of asset management, best-of-class tooling and a trusted partner. A partner like IBM.

IBM has extended our CMMS/EAM Maximo platform to provide a single integrated suite of capabilities that will help you:

    • increase uptime;
    • improve productivity;
    • reduce maintenance costs; and
    • build more resilient operations.

Introducing IBM Maximo Application Suite

IBM® Maximo® Application Suite, also known as Maximo 8.0, not only streamlines installation and administration, it also unifies your operations, bridging teams across the enterprise. Most importantly, it helps you maintain resiliency and business continuity – even under rapidly changing or disruptive conditions.

The benefits of IBM Maximo Application Suite are many, but most importantly, you can:

  • Simplify deployment to support business growth – Start with what you need and then easily install additional applications as your business needs grow.
  • Pay for only what you use – With user-based entitlement across the whole suite, what you purchase can be expended on any of the solutions. Usage is concurrent user based, meaning that usage only gets consumed while your employees are using the software, improving your ROI on your reliability solutions.
  • Deploy on any cloud – Run on premise or on any cloud using Red Hat OpenShift’s run anywhere model.

IBM Maximo Application Suite puts you and your team on the path of obtaining operational visibility of your assets throughout their lifecycle with faster ROI, increased productivity and operational uptime.

Contact us at to request Maximo demo in new platform to see what’s new with IBM Maximo that can help prepare you for a new era of asset management and operations.


Source: IBM’s Blog

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