Avenue Implemented the PoC Project for Maximo Application Suite (MAS)

for Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical (BSR)

On March 8, 2024, Avenue, in collaboration with IBM and AWS, kicked off a Proof of Concept (PoC) project to upgrade the Maximo EAM system to the latest version Maximo Application Suite (MAS) for Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical (BSR). This PoC project aims to demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency before the official deployment of MAS at BSR.

The PoC project for upgrading MAS and expansion includes two phases:

Phase 1:

  • Deploying MAS on the AWS cloud platform.
  • Upgrading the current Maximo system to the new MAS version and configuring the Manage module.
  • Deploying Mobile for Maximo Manage.

Phase 1 was completed at the end of May, and the results will be reported in mid-June. Following this, BSR will plan to implement the upgrade and the tested features in actual operations.

Phase 2:

  • Trial of new MAS applications, including Monitor, Health, and Predict.
  • Testing real-use cases to evaluate effectiveness.

Upon the results of Phase 2, BSR will proceed with the e of Monitor, Health, and Predict applications, put them into the actual operation.

BSR expects this PoC project and the upcoming Upgrade and Expansion of MAS will enhance user efficiency and build the comprehensive Asset Performance Management (APM) solution. This will comply with BSR’s target for digital transformation and the seamless integration of Maximo with other systems.

About Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical (BSR):

BSR is a leading company in the refinery industry in Vietnam. With a mission to provide high-quality and environmentally friendly petroleum products, BSR continuously strives to enhance operational efficiency and apply advanced technologies. The PoC project of Maximo Application Suite (MAS) and Upgrade is a significant step in BSR’s digital transformation strategy, aimed at achieving system integration and optimizing asset performance management. BSR aims in pioneering the adoption of modern technological solutions, delivering sustainable benefits to Vietnam’s petrochemical industry.